Medical, Escort and Compassion Fares
PAL Airlines is happy to offer Medical & Escort fares. All Medical & Escort fares must be booked through the PAL Airlines Customer Care and Reservations Centre office by calling 1-800-563-2800. There are certain PAL Airlines policies and procedures that must be followed for all passengers traveling under the medical fare.
You may qualify for the Medical Fare:
- You have a scheduled or emergent medical appointment.
- You can provide medical appointment verification.
You may qualify for an escort if:
- You have a letter from your medical practitioner stating the requirement for an escort.
All travelers traveling under the medical & escort fare are required to present proof of medical appointment at the Check in counter prior to departure.
If an escort for medical travel is required, the escort is eligible for the same medical fare as the individual traveling for the medical procedure.
How To Book:
- All Medical and Escort fares must be booked through the PAL Airlines Customer Care & Reservations office by calling 1-800-563-2800.
- Email your medical appointment verification to [email protected]
- If you are traveling with an escort, email the letter from your medical practitioner stating the requirement for an escort to [email protected]
- If appointment verification can not be provided before travel, we will book you the lowest published fare available. If verification of the appointment is received within 7 days of travel, PAL Airlines will adjust the fare and refund the credit balance if applicable.
Bereavement fares
PAL Airlines bereavement fares are available but must be booked through the PAL Airlines Customer Care and Reservations centre, for more information please call the PAL Airlines reservations line at 1-800-563-2800.
Our Bereavement Policy applies to:
- Bereavement fares are available for Immediate family only.
- Flights marketed and operated by PAL Airlines.
- Bereavement travel that occurs within 10 days of booking and that does not exceed 60 days.
Who is considered immediate family?
- Spouse (common law, same sex partners and ex-spouse)
- Child (step/grand/great grand)
- Parent (step/grand/great grand/in-law/common law in-law)
- Sibling (step/half/in-law/common law and in-law)
- Legal guardian and spouse of legal guardian (with proof of judgement
Proof of death is required at time of booking.
The Customer Services and Reservation Centre will ask individuals using the Bereavement Fare to provide the name of the dying or deceased family member and your relationship to them, as well as:
- The name of the hospital or residence, including the address and phone number and name of attending physician; or
- The name, address and phone number of the memorial or funeral home, including the date of the memorial service or funeral
Post travel proof of bereavement requirements:
- Within 7 days of returning from your bereavement travel, please email [email protected] with your reservation number in the subject line.
- To the email, attach one of the following supporting documents as proof of imminent death or bereavement.
- A copy of the death certificate
- The funeral director’s statement
- The coroner’s statement
- The registration of death (issued by a provincial government)
- A letter from the treating physician on official letterhead and/or a prescription pad which clearly defines the situation as one of imminent death of your immediate family member