PAL Airlines
EN   | FR
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Denied Boarding (Overselling of Flights)

It is never PAL’s intention to inconvenience you. However, due to operational requirements and inventory control, sometimes we are unable to accommodate you, even though you have a confirmed reservation.


During a denied boarding situation, PAL will first solicit volunteers who are willing to give up their seat in exchange for compensation.

Boarding Priorities:

If there are not enough volunteers, we may deny boarding involuntarily to passengers holding a confirmed reservation in accordance with our policy on denied boarding priority, as found in our domestic tariff.


If you are involuntarily denied boarding, PAL will advise you why you were denied boarding, the compensation and standards of treatment to which you may be entitled as well as the recourses you have available.


If you are denied boarding because of a situation that’s outside of our control, here is how your travel plans will be accommodated:

      • We’ll rebook you on the next available PAL flight within 48 hours of the end of the event that caused the denial of boarding; or
      • If we cannot do this, we will re-route you on any carrier via any reasonable air route to your destination or re-route you from another airport that is within a reasonable distance of your departure airport to your destination (if any). If your new departure is from such an airport, PAL will arrange for your transportation to that other airport.
      • Should you refuse the alternate travel arrangements offered because the arrangements offered do not meet your travel needs or there is no longer the purpose to travel, you are entitled to a refund. Please note that any refunds are subject to the fare rules applicable to your ticket.

If you are denied boarding due to a situation that is within our control or required for safety purposes, here is how your travel plans will be accommodated:

      • PAL will rebook you on the next available PAL flight within 9 hours of your original departure time; or
      • If we cannot do this, we will re-route you on any carrier via any reasonable air route to your destination that departs within 48 hours of your original departure time; or
      • If we are still unable to provide a confirmed reservation that complies with the above, we will re-route you from another airport that is within a reasonable distance of your departure airport to your destination (if any). If your new departure is from such an airport, PAL will arrange for your transportation to that other airport;
      • If you refuse the alternate travel arrangements offered because travelling no longer serves a purpose, we will refund the unused portion of the ticket or, if you aren’t at your point of origin, refund your ticket and provide you with a confirmed reservation back to your point of origin that accommodates your needs.
    1. Standard of Treatment:

If you are denied boarding for a situation within PAL’s control or for security reasons, we will provide you with the following before you board your next flight booked as part of your alternate travel arrangements, unless this would further delay you:

      • Food and drink in reasonable quantities, considering the length of the wait, the time of day and location;
      • Access to a means of communication; and
      • Hotel or comparable accommodations for overnight delays for out-of-town passengers, subject to availability within reasonable distance from airport.

In the unlikely event of denied boarding within PAL Airlines’ control, a passenger may be entitled to compensation. Below is a table outlining the timelines of impact to the customer and associated compensation rates:


Delay to original arrival time and compensation amounts Optional: Travel voucher offered
0 to <6 hours $900 CAD $1800 PAL travel voucher
6 to <9 hours $1800 CAD $3600 PAL travel voucher
9+ hours $2400 CAD $4800 PAL travel voucher


Passengers who experience a flight disruption that is within the airline’s control, but not required for safety, and who choose to take a ticket refund instead of rebooking will still be compensated for the inconvenience – PAL will pay you $125 CAN.

We will issue the compensation amount within 48 hours, Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

For more information on denied boarding, please visit:

General Conditions and Tariffs